What is Domain Complete information of Domain Name System

What is Domain Complete information of Domain Name System

This question often comes in the mind of those people. People who think about earning money by working on the internet and Google. Because of this, they need a website or blog and then it becomes very important for them to know what is the domain name? So if you also want to know what is the domain name, then read this post completely once.
By the way, in today's era, everyone uses the Internet, so everyone wants to know about the domain. Because you get to hear the word domain again and again.
In this phase of digital marketing, everyone uses the internet to grow their business and it is very important to have a website to spread any business on the internet.

Therefore, before making a website, you should know about the domain, what is the domain name and what kind of domain is better for your website and blog.

So friends, after reading this post today, there is hardly anything about the domain that you will not know. Because today we are going to tell you about the Domain Name System in full detail. So read this post carefully once.

What is Domain Name System - What is Domain Name
The domain is the name of any website. Whom people search in the search engine and direct to your website. For example, if you type www.facebook.com in Google, you reach direct facebook.

Domain Name or DNS [Domain Name System] which works on IP address. Every website has a different IP address. Such as which is difficult to remember. So the Domain Name System was started

Just think if you have to remember such numbers to go directly to every website, then it will be difficult for you to use the internet. So to make the internet simple and easy, the Domain Name System was launched. Which works only on the IP address in the background

To create a website on the Internet, you need Hosting and Domain Name. Then a website is formed by combining these two. Now you just have to search his domain name in google to know directly on that website. Which you can easily reach on that website. This is called a domain name or web address.

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Type of Domain Name System

There are many types of domain names. Whose importance is different. We are going to tell you about those domains which you need to know. Because if the choice of the domain name of a website is corrected, then it is very beneficial. So you need to know before selecting the domain.

Top-Level Domain Name [TLDN]

According to the search engine and SEO, the Top Level Domain Name is considered very good. It is the last part of any domain. Which is written after the dot. Part written after the dot is called internet domain extension.

With this kind of domain, the value of your website increases in the search engine. Which helps in ranking your website. It is given more preference by Search Engine. Like facebook.com, wikipedia.org, etc.

Top Level Domain Name Extension List

  • .COM (Commercial)
  • .Info (information)
  • .name (Name)
  • .Org (organization)
  • .Net (network)
  • .Gov (government)
  • .Edu (education)
  • .Biz (business)

Second Country Code Top-level domain Name [CcTLDN]

Such domains are especially taken into account in a country. Which can get maximum traffic from that country? These are the top-level domain names for any country. Which is given importance by the search engine.

For example, if you want to get more traffic from India, then you should use the .in domain extension. This is the domain extension of some other countries.

  • .in-India
  • .ie-Ireland
  • .it-Italy
  • .pk-Pakistan
  • .jp-japan
  • .us-united states

Third Sub-domain Name System

As the name suggests, it is part of a domain. Which is called Subdomain. Many websites provide it for free. It is free.

Like if you use a video editing app for free, then after editing that video you get to see its watermark in the video.

In the same way, when you create a subdomain of a domain, its name is also associated with it. Like if you create a blog on Blogger, you are given a free domain, which is something like this: Yourdomain.blogspot.com

How to buy a good Domain Name

First, decide what your website Niche will be

Add the related keyword from your website to the domain

–Domain should be short and easy to remember

The spelling of Domain Name should be easy

Always choose the top-level domain only
Name your domain in a way that does not match anyone.

Buying a domain is very easy. But before buying the domain, keep in mind the above-mentioned things. There are many websites on the Internet from where you can buy a domain. Just keep in mind that his service is good.

So, friends, I hope that you have now understood well what is a Domain Name and how to buy a good domain. In this post, we have given you complete information about the domain in Hindi. If you like this post, then definitely share it with your friends.